Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Inurl: Bedroom Cameras

Context: NOME law, a law against people's interest

From June 8 the bill on the reorganization of the electricity market (Nome) should be discussed in the National Assembly. technical text, horribly technical ...

But behind him, the desire to organize the breakup of the organization of the market as it was designed in 1946. Without prior discussion, without public debate, all hidden behind technocratic arguments.

Officially the government only responds to the request of Brussels. The regulated tariffs offered to businesses and individuals are, according to the Commission, a clear deviation from free competition. Matignon rushed to obey the demands of the European Commission, promising the availability of nuclear power generated by EDF to competition.

Champsaur Based on the report, to prepare the minds, the Government's bill to allow EDF's rivals to gain access to nuclear power produced by the group. This will give them 100 TWh, or a quarter of its production each year. Clearly, electricians private, who have not made any investment, financial efforts will benefit the French that were made for three decades and will have their share of the pension nuclear.

And French consumers in all this? Will they have the right to receive a portion of the pension they have funded nuclear, accepting the risks? President of the Commission of Energy Regulation, Philippe de Ladoucette has already given the answer. In May, he announced an increase between 7% and 11% of regulated prices soon. This convinced liberal, very near Gerard Longuet, misses no opportunity to stress this point: competition for him is through increasing prices. Curious concept of liberalization represented as an incentive for cost efficiency and lower prices. At the request of the government and EDF, the chairman of the CRE had to backtrack and declare that no increase was planned. But the decline is apparent. The proposal will soon resurface.

(post is from the article by Martine Orange Mediapart (Site Info paying high quality ...): Nuclear-rent-au-ceded deprives


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