Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gold Plated Dessert Eagle Price

can act! Customers of EDF

This bill is under discussion.
we can write to members asking them not to pass this law.

It may choose to write yourself a letter of his choice ... or do in the short but radical by copying the following:

Gentleman / Madam MP

I can not understand in the name of "free and undistorted competition" NOME law was passed by you. Know that I warn

my address book from this organized theft for the benefit of private interests. Some of my contacts have probably voted for the UMP and this may not be repeated so obviously the members of this training support the project ...

I will follow your vote carefully, and pray, until it, receive my respectful greetings. "Members

PS and PC are committed to vote against this bill. UMP remains in short or almost: list of UMP deputies is here: # P10_58

If you want to write to your MP to you is this: http://www.assemblee-nationale .com / who / index.asp , but I think it is better to write up as constituents of the French people ....

I suggest you put a little comment on the post to indicate that you have written and how many members. No need to put a real name, a nickname will suffice ... It's just that one has a little ...


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