Monday, July 21, 2008

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UK: real estate prices down 30%

The real estate prices could fall by 30% according to an economist at the Bank of England. The United Kingdom has come into his view of economic recession.

See article: The real estate prices could fall by 30% in R-Kingdom

Friday, July 4, 2008

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Decline of Real estate: when the media gets involved!

The media are only interested in topics that attract readers. Recently they came to seize on the decline in real estate ...

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Val d'Oise

The housing market seems to calm down sharply across France but what he Ile-de-France and especially in the Val d'Oise?

sales volume to fall by 9% and prices fell in the Val d'Oise 1%. The network provides real estate Laforet on his side down the estate by 15% in two years ...